
There are so many ways to give of your time and skills to support Opera San Luis Obispo through direct volunteering. We hope you will find one of these interesting! Call the office at (805) 541-5369 for more information or to volunteer.

Artist Hosting

Opera San Luis Obispo relies on the generosity of dozens of individuals who open their homes to our artists. Hosting an artist in your home is a great way to get involved with OperaSLO. If you have a spare bedroom and are interested in hosting an artist in your home, please fill out the Host an Artist form here.

Read our Guest Artist Housing Policies here.


  • Volunteer Coordinator - This can be a big job or small one, depending on your level of involvement.
  • Volunteer Hour Tracker - One of the areas that is providing a challenge these days is keeping track of the hours of volunteer work that are done for Opera San Luis Obispo. Our tax filings as well as many grants require this information.


Whether it is hems, buttons or adjusting size, helping on the fly is the name of the game. You'll have opportunities to not only help ahead of time, but also work backstage during production week.

  • Sewing
  • Fitting
  • Dressing
  • Schlepping - Sometimes we just need help getting costumes moved, or need someone to run out to pick up a last minute item.


  • Filing
  • Envelope Stuffing
  • Making copies
  • Proof reading
  • And more!

Event Support

  • Preparing refreshments for house concerts
  • Providing parking assistance for house concerts
  • Handing out programs
  • Ushering
  • Taking tickets
  • Selling tickets


Also known as the Extra, we often need someone who can do a non-singing role. This will require attendance at a certain number of evening rehearsals in the weeks prior to opening night. The number of rehearsals depends on the show of course, as does the need for specific characters (male, female, child, tall, small, etc.). We would love to have a list of people upon whom we could call.